In remembrance of Fishead


It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing away of one of our most beloved members, who you might have seen popping around and interacting with users under the alias “Fishead” and an avatar that’s, well, very akin to their name. They were always protective of their identity online, and we’re going to keep what would have probably been their wishes of it staying protected. If you still don't know who they are, they were one of the main artists within the project. Popped in the relatively early stages of StoChaStick, so many of the newer users might not remember what the default asset textures used to look like, but you might have caught a glimpse of them in the external editor under the “legacy” tabs. In any case, those who lived through the change sent us messages of relief that were quite funny to read through, though I almost felt offended! Haha. But getting back on track. We will miss Fishead quite a lot. They were one of our closest friends. Even during this whole ordeal, they seemed surprisingly calm and more worried about us worrying about them. As a sendoff, I will relay the message they wanted to leave the community with:

“Even though I may be moving from this world soon, fingers crossed on that may, I rest easy knowing that I will at least live on in the world that we created. Oh, and, P.S.? Don’t you dare remove the “fingers crossed” part from this message. Whatever happens, happens.”

Rest in peace, and thank you for everything - The StoChaStick Team

Keep stochasting - Fishead