About StoChaStick...

Hello there! How'd you even end up here? Did you hear about it in a forum? Did someone personally PM you? Did you stumble upon it in your day-to-day search for new and exciting content? However it was that you stumbled upon this place, we welcome you with open arms. So... where are you anyway?

StoChaStick is a community project that aims to bring all of its users, and hopefully the communities surrounding them, closer together! Are you an artsy person? Have you ever wanted a website that people could live in the moment? Have you played a MMO before? Do you love first person games? If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, check it out!

Within StoChaStick, you're able to meet other people, chat with them in real time, go into their worlds, make your own, and much more, all for free! So get ready to be stochastic, and visit StoChaStick!!